My Better Medicine
"The Visionary is the only true realist"
~ Federico Fellini

"Come say goodbye to your son..."
When the Hospital said, "That's all we can do." this Decorated Special Forces Air Force Combat Controller's Mother said...
"It's definitely not all I can."
This is the nightmare every parent dreads, but this story has a happy ending, thanks to the most exciting and progressive advances in healing.
Veteran Jesse Bielman's life of service, was saved, by stem cells and peptides plus advanced cutting edge protocols.
And these exciting new technologies can benefit everyone from all walks of life, because...he shouldn't be the only one.

Decorated Air Force Combat Controller Jesse Bielmann was mysteriously crashing out within a 24 hour window and a team of excellent Doctors could not stop the plummet...
Until Dr. Holtorf arrived.
A combination of traditional medicine, plus integrating regenerative stem cells and peptides, saved Jesse's life.
After he regained consciousness, because of injury neuropathy, he suffered from the intense pain that his nerve damaged skin felt on fire. Even the brush of a sheet would set it off.
Jesse's pain was so bad that it had nearly broken him to the point of ending his life. He had said to his mother...
"If this is my life - I don't want it."
Then...topical Stem Cell Cream, only took minutes to soothe the pain - without opioids.
Jesse is again the picture of health, but there are thousands more Veterans and everyday Americans who desperately need this cutting edge technology for healing - NOW.
Imagine being able to repair chronic pain, without opioids?
Imagine Alzheimers patients remembering their family?
Imagine the Neurodiverstiy of Autism, ADHD, Depression, etc. all being treated from within vs. from a pill bottle?
This inspiring news is not science fiction - this technology is here!
But Network TV won't cover the miracle. Because the fact is 70-80% of their ad space is purchased by big pharma. CNN can't tell you.​
Which is why we are making an end run around the Network chokehold, to the Wild West of Streaming Television.
Our goal is to educate and inspire, to share hope and hard data, to empower millions to demand better healthcare. And the good new is... these options in healthcare already exist.

My Better Medicine Trailer featuring Jesse & Dr. Holtorf

So what is the TV Series...
My Better Medicine is a 30 minute docuseries, with 12 episodes per season, that chronicles inspired stories of healing. And with the constant evolution of healthcare this series will have enough content to run for a decade.
The project is designed to be carried by multiple streaming services starting on ROKU, then syndicated out to Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Tubi and dozens of other popular avenues. The intent is to carry the series on as many platforms as possible to reach the greatest number of Americans who desperately need this emergency information.
The series will engage viewers in an array of options that have been effective in helping not only Veterans, but all walks of life who have found greater health and healing through regenerative and integrative medicine.
Because EVERYONE is suffering - either for themselves or for someone they love. This is THE biggest demographic of common interest.
Mental, physical, and emotional health are all connected, and this series is here to show people that when we have true access to healing, it's not just the patient who heals, there is a ripple effect for families, communities, our country, and future generations.

Helping Vets, 1st Responders,
& Average Joe
Ep 1: Overview of the Science
Introduction to the emerging technologies, i.e. what are stem cells? How do they work? Where do they come from? Who are the Drs on the forefront of regenerative medicine
Ep 2: Brain Trauma, PTSD, Veterans Health
Veteran Suicide is a tragic epidemic and drugs do not work - but regeneration IS. We focus upon the patriotism found when we don't abandon those who have fought for our American Values - and FREEDOM of Medical Choice should be for ALL.
Ep 3: Autism, Neurodiversity, ADHD
There are incredible miracles happening within integrative, cellular approaches to children on the spectrum. Drugs mask - but we can HEAL.
Ep 4: Tackling Negative Perceptions
Setting "big pharma" and "mainstream media" aside, these new groundbreaking modalities are not getting the coverage they deserve. This is not just politics, but often the decisions makers are simply in the dark or misinformed. Let's EDUCATE.
Ep 5: Neurological Degenerative Disorders
ALS, Dementia, Alzheimers and other cognitive failure cannot be "healed" yet, but stem cells are amazingly successful at REPAIRING the damage, often bringing loved ones...back.
Ep 6: Mental Health
Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety, absolutely have a "whole system" environment. Treating the "symptom" vs. addressing the "source" is having amazing success.
Ep 7: Cancers, AIDS, and the Immune System
When our bodies begin fighting and/or failing themselves... why? How can we reverse the downward spiral from within?
Ep 8: High Performance Recovery
Ever wonder how Tom Brady played at such an advanced age? How pro athletes recover so ridiculously fast? This episode focuses upon athletic and traumatic injuries combined with chronic pain.
Ep 9: The Immunity Bucket is Full
What environmental challenges to our health exist from modern living, that our ancestors and Grandparents never had to deal with? We dive into GMOs and the Pesticides designed for them, Pollution, Prescription abuse, Toxins, and etc.
Ep 10: How To Integrate this Medicine
What are the challenges within the current American medical system? How can we smoothly integrate this new medicine to help the lives of ALL Americans.
How can we incite change?
Ep 11: How long can we live?
"Biohacking" is a catchy trend nowadays, with the drive to increase life expectancy, and the quality of it. The bonus effects, are how these same modalities designed by and for those who can afford it, can cross-over into health discoveries and benefits for everyone.
Ep 12: Finale: Doctor’s Roundtable Forum
In front of a live audience, we share a "Ted Talk" with a panel of Professionals who we featured within the series for a "Town Hall" Q & A.

We Have Distribution!
The gorilla grip of Network television
has been broken.
BasilandSalt.tv Productions has a new Channel on Roku, named Un-boxed.TV. This provides us with a global reach to over 80 million Roku accounts.
Plus, after the initial exclusive release on Un-Boxed.TV the series will also be syndicated across more popular streaming options such as Amazon, Netflix, Tubi, Hulu, and dozens more. This is the streaming strategy to get vital information to as many patients as possible
Un-boxed.TV is hosting numerous other content providers too such as celebrity chefs and other health and wellness show... thus the cross-promotion and marketing benefits all Un-Boxed.TV productions.
And positioned to be an Un-boxed.TV flag-ship is...
My Better Medicine

Viewers = Visibility = Change
Even at a conservative 1 Million viewers, consider if only 10% of them follow our info links to next steps - such as to contact information for cutting edge Doctors, Non-Profit support systems, and forward thinking Politicians for change? That could be 100,000 Americans - in one season?!
Think of the worried wife, mother or child of a wounded Veteran? Think of the worry the husband and father whose wife is battling cancer has for his children?
ALL of these family members are digging into the internet looking for hope.
And it isn't just patients who are frustrated with the current system, as medical professionals are deluged by misinformation and handcuffed too.
Think of medical professionals who are aching for their own profession to grow, but aren't given the tools? Our Advisory Board Member, Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Fishman, admitted that in the beginning he feared stem cell therapy would cut into his bottom line because it would eliminate the need for so many surgeries - but it had the opposite effect! His patients had so much success, new patients flocked to "Dr Stem Cell."
So the goal is not "take on" big pharma and medicine which evolve and change at a snails pace, but to share cutting-edge hard data with survivors, families and those desperately in need who need to see the needle move now. People just need to know there are amazing options.
Think of the public awareness this series could generate within 1 year from now.
And this series can run for a decade.

Jesse Today
Drs & Experts: Advisory Board
a partnership in healing
So the goals of the series sound lofty, and we also must have the street credit that grounds the information in science not heresay. Here is how we plan to accomplish that.​
• We have assembled an experienced and passionate board of MDs and experts backed up by scientific data.
• We won't blame big pharma or the V.A. but instead spotlight and champion the advanced modalities that are so effective. We don't need to talk about "what's wrong" (everyone knows what is) we plan to focus upon what WORKS!
• The My Better Medicine website will include a detailed bibliography of peer reviewed studies and papers to support the stories being illustrated.
• The My Better Medicine website will include direct links to every Non-Profit organization, support group, medical provider, and resource a viewer has seen featured upon the series.
• We believe our deep connection to Veterans not only serves the most deserving Americans who literally sacrificed their bodies and minds, but also serves to open the doors to their families and local communities. Heal the Veteran = heal the family.
Producing this series in the light, out in the open, as a collective, vs. a singular story gives this incredibly important topic more power, forms a stronger bond, and also serves to normalize the conversation for the average American.
Community Awareness = Power.
Inspiring The Series
The My Better Medicine Board of Experts
Doctors, Veterans, Politicians, Non-Profit Pioneers and More.
Our advisors are cutting edge leaders on the path to better healthcare.

My Better Medicine
Bringing Health, Education & Power
Season 1 begins sharing this story...
Summer 2025

Sample Episode: PTSD & Vet Suicide
Drugs don't work. Talk therapy alone doesn't work. Suicide is all to often the only escape. But...
The amazing news is that a single treatment of plant medicines has helped Veterans we've already interviewed return immediately to their better selves. One wife's tearful reaction was "Oh my God...there's the man I married."
Furthermore, rebuilding neural pathways with stem cells and peptides is showing amazing results in repairing the physiological TBI damages that often stand in the way of any real mental healing.
Women who suffer PTSD as a result of sexual trauma are also making incredible strides in regaining their full lives as well. Teenagers caught in challenges of their generation fair far better on these modalities than numbing them down with anti-depressants.
To us, this episode is the "tip of the spear" in combating the suicide epidemic in our country.
And we simply do not have time to wait on the sidelines.

Sample Episode: Policy & Perception
Bring up Stem Cells and most people have curious, biased, or even negative reactions. Why?
In the 2000's Stem Cell research was cut off in our country for political reasons, but the rest of the world didn't stop. America has some catching up to do.
How about plant medicines and micro-dosing of drugs that are still frowned upon in our country - but are working miracles under proper, guided supervision?
Peptides are simply smaller branch-chain amino acids, with no side effects, so why can you get them in some states and not in others?
Why is the VA so slow to adopt treatments and protocols that would...
A) save lives and...
B) save billions of taxpayer dollars?
Who are the determined politicians and Petagon high brass - we already are in contact with - who are passionately pushing for change because 40 Veterans a DAY are killing themselves?
This episode will take an investigative journalism approach to what needs to be done to make a powerful, positive CHANGE in the healthcare of ALL Americans.
Because information truly is power, and disinformation keeps us ALL sick and dependent.

This is a gathering of optimism. This is a place for inspiration, education, solution, and the can-do spirit that America is known for at it's very core.
The timing is optimal, and the urgency is to literally save lives.
We mean it - our messages of hope WILL improve health, will heal families, and will pull people from the brink of despair back into the joy of living.
Join us. Help us. Be part of the future.